At around dusk, we gathered at DCF house and departed for Dixon to try the maze in the dark. It was another first-time experience for me, and I was realy pumped about this, especially knowing that it was gonna be pitch-dark all around.
Upon arrival, we got to a wooden house where we paid 10 dollar for the pass and were given a map like this
There were dozens of pumpkins in every shape near the maze and around the house.
I was posing, pointing at a pumpkin twice or thrice the size of my head.
Pretty soon, we set out on our journey to brave the maze. Some attempted to work their way through by themselves, while some chose to go in group. I was walking with Taimour, my housemate, and we were trying to figure out the way out. The photo below was taken near the entrance with the dim figure of Taimour in it.
We were still in high spirit then, but soon things changed. We found it hard to keep the can-do spirit going as we were making a circle repetively. The darkness only made our situation seem even more hopeless, to such an extent that we gave up and forced our way through the corn field to the outside. In so doing, we wanted to walk around the maze back to the entrance. But, it didn't really work out as the maze was way too big. So, there was only Hobson's choice, which meant we gotta go back in and find a way out. We kept looking at the map and searching for any clues in our sight. Somtimes, we seemed to take the right path and thus brightened up. At the next moment or the next turn, we only found we took
the wrong one. It was thus depressing and tiring for 40 minutes or more.
At last, we followed others passing by and hoped they would lead us out. With Sam leading the crowd including me, we plodded on. Another a long while, we finally exited this freaky maze. Mr. T ceased complaining, and I were exhausted both mentally and physically. Deep down though, it was still a memorable experience.
The photo was taken at the exit, with me having a smile at long last. LOL
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